VC Twitter: A Guide

Matt Snow
11 min readMar 5, 2020

A number of undergraduate students with an interest in venture capital & startups have reached out looking for the best news sources on the VC industry. The same goes for investment bankers, startup employees (“operators”), former founders, and people of a variety of backgrounds looking to make the switch into venture. Regardless of your background or motives, if you’re looking for the best ways to stay up-to-date on all things venture & startup related, I strongly believe Twitter is your best starting point.

Part I: Make a Twitter / Up Your Twitter Game

Twitter can change your life

Twitter has emerged as the ideal environment (IMO) to follow leading VCs, digest their thought leadership in real time, and to build your own presence by engaging with the VC Twitter community. To understand the power of Twitter, check out the success of David Perell:

By creating a business teaching people to write and launching a podcast, combined…



Matt Snow

Investor at Trammell Venture Partners | BCO Board Member | Bitcoin | Venture Capital | Investing | All opinions my own.